Warming Up to Worms

In Science, we’ve learned lots of ways to reduce waste. We visited the landfill this week, and we were amazed at the amount of trash thrown away by the people of central Alberta. Did you know the Red Deer Landfill takes in enough garbage EVERY DAY to fill 35 classrooms to the top? Our trash from Blackfalds ends up at that landfill, so we are thinking of ways to be responsible about our waste. You can check out your child’s 5R’s slideshow on Google Drive to see some of the great ideas they have for waste reduction.

One of the ways we work to reduce waste in our classroom is to compost our fruit and vegetable scraps. We have a worm bin in 4Wa, and every week we feed scraps to our worms to avoid throwing away so much at lunchtime. Today, we had a chance to get up-close and personal with our little wriggler friends! Some of us were a little uncomfortable, but mostly we were fascinated by the little compost-makers. Check out the pictures of our close encounters…

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Sunflower Splendour!

Take a look at the stunning artwork created by the talented artists of 4Wa this week. We spent the first few weeks of school surrounded by sunflowers cut from my garden, and then used those beauties as our inspiration for Art class. We used a white glue resist technique and then chalk pastels to create these amazing masterpieces!

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Meet Our Crew!

We are off to a wonderful start to the year. We have a great group of caring, thoughtful, hardworking students. I can’t wait to go on lots of learning adventures with this group! I would like to send a  very special welcome to our two new students, Nevin and Spencer. We are so glad you are on board with us! Let the learning begin…

Ready and Waiting

Welcome back to school! It’s going to be a wonderful year, and I can’t wait to get started on the learning and the fun. Please check this blog regularly for important updates, samples of student work, and a glimpse into our daily learning.


What a year! Each time I think of this class, I smile. I have been privileged to spend the year with smart, kind, compassionate, and curious kids. They stood up for each other and showed respect as they became leaders in our school. They helped build a classroom community that was genuine and caring, and their sense of wonder was truly inspiring. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them!

Summer is a time to refresh and relax, but I am really sad to wave goodbye to this group. I know they are destined for big things! Parents, thank you for sharing your children with me this year. They are wonderful little people.

Have a fantastic summer, and remember to keep in touch!

Leadership is Shining Through

Today, something special happened in 4Wa. For the daily  awards, the WHOLE CLASS earned special recognition for their leadership!

Today’s IREC leadership award is presented to:The Entire Class of 4Wa

For showing leadership every day. You set a good example and you stand up for each other. You do what is right, even when no one is watching. You encourage each other to learn, and you know that mistakes are proof that you are trying. You make learning fun, and our classroom is always filled with wonder. You have helped other classes and teachers all year, and you always do it with a smile. Most importantly, you choose kindness and respect every day. We are so proud of the leaders you have become. Congratulations, 4Wa!


Poetic Prowess

April is Poetry Month! We’ve had a wonderful time reading poetry, listening to poetry, and creating our own poems. We’ve learned about couplets, quatrains, cinquains, haiku, and limericks so far. We know that poems sometimes rhyme, but not always! 

We still have a few more kinds of poetry to explore in the next couple of weeks. Here’s a snapshot of a poetry-art project we created this week!


100 Days Smarter… and Older!

Today is the 100th Day of Grade 4! We are thrilled to celebrate this milestone together, although I must confess I’d like time to slow down a bit. It is such a pleasure to spend my days with this group of little people! This morning we had some fun looking ahead at ourselves as 100-year-olds. We decided that we need to take good care of ourselves so that we can age gracefully! Happy 100th Day to all…